What are Fairy Rings?
Type 1

Type 2

Type 3

Dealing with Fairy Rings
There are a handful of options to try to prevent fairy rings, however there is no guaranteed remedy. Firstly, a non chemical approach would be to keep the affected area well spiked with a garden fork, making sure to spike the entire ring as well as half a metre each side of the ring. The deeper you are able to spike the better. This will aid water penetration to the root zone layer.
Scarifying regularly to remove substantial layers of thatch is extremely beneficial. This is because Fairy rings can form as fungus that feeds on dead organic matter in the thatch layer. Reducing the amount of lawn thatch will take away some of the food that the fungus subsequently feeds on, reducing the chances of fairy rings forming.
Apply a wetting agent can help as this will break down the water repellent properties of the soil. A single treatment may not have a huge difference to begin with, however after repeat applications the lawn will start to respond.
A chemical solution would be to apply a fungicide in the springtime months when the fungus is actively growing. This treatment isnโt a cheap option and there is no guarantee one application will be successful.
Alternatively, the most extreme option would be to dig the fairy ring out. Making sure to dig about 1 metre deep and half a metre each side of the ring, followed by filling the space left with fresh soil. Again, there is no guarantee that the fairy ring will not return.
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